Welcome, I'm Kathleen
Since I can remember I love to sing. My best childhood memory is when I was in the car together with my mother singing songs. In these early years, I also started to wonder how communication works. As a child, I was often irritated and surprised when an adult said something, but both body language and voice transported another meaning.

The interest in communication guided me to my first profession. I became a Speech and Language Therapist, specialised to support children to be understood and to understand the world around them.
It was a wonderful job which I really enjoyed for a long time. I always loved to show children the beauty of communication and to speak up from the heart and not just fix a speech problem. Unfortunately, there was not enough time in the healthcare system for this holistic approach, so that I left this job with a heavy heart.
I changed my occupation and worked in a special nursery where I accompanied children during their daily routine and supported them to express their feelings and needs in a safe environment. This was an exciting and wonderful time where I learned a lot about myself and my emotional conditioning. I learned to trust myself, the children and their processes and saw the children growing up to intelligent, independent, socially competent and creative beings.
A wish grew inside of me to express myself more deeply through singing. A friend and a music teacher encouraged me to sing in front of bigger audiences and to experience my very own way of singing. This way I found back to my very own rhythm and my heart’s expression. I observed how my voice touched other people’s heart.
My desire to find healing brought me to the method of Family Constellation. I worked with great facilitators and had many years of wonderful deep healing experiences using this method. The combination of family constellation and sound is for me a miraculous, transforming healing possibility with huge potential.
Inspired by my interest in hidden dynamics in family systems and to support parents in dealing with their children, I started to become a systemic coach which I concluded in 2008 after 3 years of training. Based on all my experiences and training I have now a diverse toolkit available that I integrate into my treatments when necessary.
In 2013, I took part in a Soul Voice® workshop. Here a magical change took place for me. I felt so in tune with this method and I felt for the first time that I had finally arrived home, both in my professional work and in my personal self-expression.
I experience working with Soul Voice® as enormously profound and transforming. The voice is a wonderful guide and helper on the way to heal. It works pre-verbal, connects directly with a time in which we had no words at all, but expresses pure emotions and feelings through, for example, crying, screaming, giggling with no mind involved. In a session, it is possible to come in contact again with your original feelings. Every expression that wants to be seen and heard, like humming, squealing, screaming, sounding or silence, is allowed. Old suppressed and forgotten emotions, programs and behavioural patterns can be expressed in a safe environment, transformed and finally be healed. Layer by layer, step by step. We can find peace with our emotions, with ourselves and we can start to express our very own truth. Through the renewed communication with the inner child, we start to live our playfulness, creativity and trust our intuition again.
So this now comes full circle for me. Since 2016 I am a certified Soul Voice® Practitioner. I support everyone who wants to free their expression, life authentic and in contact with their innate potential.
End of 2015 I moved from Germany to England to live here with my husband. In my work I integrate elements of family constellation, energy work and EFT (emotional freedom technique) into my sound healing work which I experience as extremely helpful and out of which I then created my Wisdom of Voice approach.
I love it when clients begin to see their own beautiful light and gain confidence in their intuition. My vision and passion is to support people to use their natural power and voice and to communicate compassionately, empoweringly and authentically with themselves and speak from the heart.